Community Doorways to Community Ownership
“We Could Have Fallen Through the Cracks, but We Chose to Take Our Stories Back”

about the project
The Community Doors are a reflection of the values inherent to the idea of “development without displacement”, the rallying cry from The Sherburne Collective, spearheaded by Frogtown Neighborhood Association and their partners (Model Cities, Hope Community, Historic STP, Housing Justice Center, D&J Steele Construction, and Rondo Community Land Trust) in buying the neighboring lots at 652 Sherburne Ave.
Designed and painted by artist SEE MORE PERSPECTIVE with a project grant from Springboard for the Arts, and in collaboration with Frogtown Neighborhood Association, the doors are a signal boost of the 652 purchase and rehab project, as well as a community resource, a record of Frogtown’s community ideals, and a beacon of what can happen when communities come together and organize.
Individually, the three doors have no meaning. United, side by side however, they reveal a vision and praxis for community ownership and investment that begins with owning and telling our stories, and what good can come from knowing your neighbors and speaking up.
about 652 Sherburne
Who is the Sherburne Collective?
The Sherburne Collective is made up of Frogtown Neighborhood Association, Model Cities, Hope Community, Historic STP, Housing Justice Center. D&J Steele construction and Rondo Community Land Trust.
How did this project come to be?
FNA was instrumental in organizing the previous tenants once it was learned that the building was on the list for demolition. Instead, the city decided to sell the property. FNA pulled together a team of partners to submit our idea for what could be done with the building, Our project's purpose is to create deeply affordable ownership in Frogtown allowing those who want to stay here, stay. With FNA and the team pushing the envelope, the city agreed to sell 652 Sherburne to the collective to bring our vision to life.
What is shared ownership?
Shared ownership is just like it sounds. Where more than one person shares the rights to use a building. Shared ownership can also look like owning shares to an entity or business that owns the building. These final details of ownership are still being thought out and we need input from community members like you!
What are the benefits of shared ownership?
The main benefit of shared ownership is shared costs, increasing affordability and shared responsibility increasing sustainability.
Shared ownership promotes strong and healthy relationships amongst neighbors which increases neighborhood safety.
Paired with the Rondo Community Land trust, 652 Sherburne will be one of the most affordable places to live in Saint Paul
Nothing like owning your own, no land lords or unreasonable rent increases.
What are the qualifications?
Income Requirement: You must be at 30% of the area median income ($37,250/year for a family of 4).
Community Participation: 652 Sherburne will be co-owned by residents. Applicants must be comfortable and willing to a shared ownership structure.
Lottery Selection: housing shortages are happening across the nation. Housing that is affordable is harder to find. In order to keep things as fair as possible, final owners will be selected in a lottery process.

get involved
Do you live in the neighborhood and have a passion for building community?
Join the advisory board today. The 652 Sherburne ownership model is intentionally being co-created with community members.
Interested in being an owner?
Contact 652 Sherburne Collective to apply and for more information.
Love what FNA is doing?
We are always looking for new board members to help lead the work of the Frogtown Neighborhood Association.

meet the curator

See More Perspective is an MC, Producer/Composer, Spoken Word Poet, Graffiti and Projection Mapping Artist, and Filmmaker. Their work weaves together symbolic liberation narratives, mythology, science fiction, spirituality, and the paranormal. See More was a member of the Night Light cohort grant project from Public Arts Saint Paul to create 3D digital projection-mapping; and was commissioned to create a new projection mapping installation and live soundtrack again last year in downtown Saint Paul on the face of the George Latimer Library. In 2022/23, he premiered ‘Seeds of Culture’, a time travel operetta combining original hip hop and spoken word compositions and remixed and recontextualized Baroque pieces in collaboration with the Minnesota Bach Society. This year, See premiered a series of music-videos as Art-films at ‘Faraway Graffiti Swamp Galaxy Resistance Type $__t!’. They’re currently shooting video, making beats, teaching hip hop to kids, and launching project cooperative ‘ox illery recordings’, kicking things off with the epic, Kaiju-tinged ‘Scum & Villainy: MegaTongues’, the new EP ‘Guerrerillo Cultural’ on Bandcamp, and ‘Slept Dawn’, an upcoming release from their new band ‘SkySpiders and the Imperceptible Web’. Learn more via videos, discography, interviews, and more at www.seemoreperspective.com